Australian Doctor Dababase ;-))

From: niko (
Wed Mar 21 18:28:49 2001

Leaves Hello everyone ;-)) As a lot of you are probably aware, I had surgery in Mid February and am still very much pain free. Never thought I would say that! I wanted to post "St John's Wort" as a great herbal relaxant for dealing with the chemical imbalance I got, from going off my drugs ;-)) I know I have told a few other people of this herbal, and it has helped them too.

Since discovering the freedom from pain, I have become very involved in helping other Australian women in the search for good specialists and information. This infomation can be lifesaving. I was disappointed to hear that "Dr. Vancaille" is only a MD. Thank goodness Jo has found a really good specialist to visit today, even though she is travelling into Sydney to see him. Fingers crossed for Jo's update much later today.

I am hoping that we can change the contacts for Australian Doctors from the IAS. Dr. Fielding who works from the "Wesley Hospital" in Brisbane has proven himself to be a life saviour here. He is kind compassionate, and is of the belief "I don't give up, as long as you don't". He works tirelessly and takes the most difficult patients on, with a challenging smile ;-)) His work is elite, and he has agreed to let us recommend him. He is involved in one of the first Adhesion symposiums at the moment.

There are many more great surgeons in Australia, hopefully with the help from my fellow Aussies we can dig them up and create a database to help us find help, fast.

Please keep Suze and Robyne in your thoughts, as Suze is being operated on by Dr. Fielding on the 26th of March. Robyne is as we speak having an epidural with Dr. Fielding for her chronic pain. I hope you are resting well Robyne, boy, does she deserve to finally get some sleep.

Anyone with any other information of good Australian doctors, please don't hesitate to contact me or ICQ#3402598 and I will add them to my database.

I hope all you wonderful women on this board are "coping" today and I am sending you all a big koala hugs ;-)

Your pain pal

Trace xo

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