Re: Katherine wrote on June 22, 2003

From: Karen Steward (
Tue Jun 24 00:01:09 2003

Maria, I know your message is for Katherine......but I am sooooooo bothered about you going for more surgery in the States. My daughter and I flew to California last September to a very popular "world renowned" surgeon.........she had surgery......... her "recovery" time was 12 weeks in BED after we returned home...........she got so much worse after that surgery!!! Please think long and hard before subjecting your body to surgery in the very, very few can report good results, as the US surgeons use CO2 (causes adhesions to form in areas they are not even working on!!!)...........there is no SprayGel available to apply once the adhesions are taken down. You state that you are a complicated case....and you have had one doctor turn you down............a complicated case needs a surgeon that is skilled in handling complicated cases!!! Dr. Kruschinski in Germany has handled many complicated cases! Please e mail him before you submit yourself to more surgery....... he will be glad to answer you............. I am so sorry to report that many a doctor will wheel you right into the operating room in the US because they make money doing so. It is sad but true that they KNOW the risk of reformation of adhesions is HIGH...........but most will never being that fact up in discussion. You must realize, along with everyone reading, surgery is their business, regardless of your outcome.................... As you well know, adhesion pain is a HUGE problem...........and currently the majority of success stories are coming out of Germany. Dr. Kruschinski does not use CO2.........and he is VERY talented in bringing the patient to an adhesion free state! I can give you a list of people to email and ask about their surgeries with him..........I know I sound like a broken record, but I made a promise in prayer that I must keep.........if my daughter EVER became well after 14 miserable years, I will share her story so others can be free............. a lot of people that have regained their lives do not post very they are out enjoying life again (as my daughter is) and they are making up for lost here I am, one more time..............sharing with YOU.......... Sincerely, Karen -------Original Message------- From: Date: Monday, June 23, 2003 10:37:07 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ADHESIONS Subject: Re: Katherine wrote on June 22, 2003 This message is for Katherine wrote June 22, 2003. My name is Maria and like you I am suffering from chronic abdominal pains for the last 3 years now. I have been seen and done all kind of procedures on me and also got all kinds of opinions from different surgeons. And all of them told me "adhesions do not cause pains", and they are all wrong! They just don't have no idea nor understand how this is causing our daily lives. I have been suffering from depression and anxiety because of the pains I am having. I am on all kind of high narcotic pain medications. I even went to pain management and they did something to kill the pain by putting needle on my back all the way to my abdomen, and boy I was in total pain! They had to do it again the second time which the pain got worst. I've been admitted to the hospital so many times cause of the pains and my stomach distented looks like I'm 6-7 months pregnant. But all they did is just keep shooting me with pain killers, you name it I already had them all. My husband co-worker referred us to one of the best doctor here in Las Vegas, Nevada. And he is a great doctor. He believes what I am going through and helping me find a surgeon who will do "Adhesiolysis." I almost had a surgery here but the surgeon backed-out. He told me that it will be very complicated to do an open surgery, since I had 8 different surgeries in the past including hysterectomy due to severe adhesions. So, I did a research myself on the net. I found one in Pennsylvania who specialize on "Adhesiolysis" or Minimally Invasive Surgery. But it's too far for me to go to. And luckily, 2 weeks ago I found one in Riverside, California which I'm going to see for consultation early next month and he will let me know if I am a candidate for the procedure. He specialize on this kind of health situation and also he does bariatric surgery. So, once I see him next month, I will let everyone of you knows the outcome of my consultation. Maybe that will help for those who's in need of help that lives in California. I can relate to all who have this kind of situation, since I am one of you...suffering from it and seems like most doctors do not understand. I hate it when most of them told me that I will have to live with this pain and take pain killers for the rest of my life. NO! That's not the answer for me...I am keeping my finger cross that this doctor will be able to help. So I can go back to my normal life, be able to work again and focus to my family and not the pains I am having right now. You might also ask your doctor if they can prescribe you an "Actiq", this medication is like a lollipop and it does work great. Goodluck to all of us who is suffering from this illness. Someday, we will be able to do the things we used to do and enjoy life again. Sincerely,
Maria T. Jackson Las Vegas, Nevada
At Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Katherine wrote:
>I explained the pain I've been having in my right side, the burning the
>pulling, the stinging. I explained it's getting worse not better and
>that it happens every time I stand up for more than a few minutes. (My
>doctor was out of town so I saw one of her partners.) I also explained
>that my doctor found adhesions on the right side during the laparoscopy.
>As it turns out, I have a uterine infection along with the adhesion
>pain. White blood cells were elevated and I had a lot of
>pain/tenderness in my uterus. I still have the pain from adhesions
>though and I've been documenting how long it lasts, the severity, etc. I
>have had pain that lasts from five minutes to several hours every day
>this week. And I know it's from the adhesions because it's on the right
>side. (The other pain was on the left side and in the center.) I don't
>have the money necessary to make a trip to Germany at this time and I
>don't even know if it's to the point that I need to go to germany yet.
>I'm sure this is only going to get worse, not better. It's gotten so
>much worse just in the last two months. I don't know what else to do
>except to go back to my doctor and discuss my options.


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