Re: Bowel Obstructions & Adhesions

From: Tracy (
Fri Feb 20 09:21:37 2009

Hi Donna,

Thanks so much for replying! As far as pain goes...there are good days and bad days. I often just feel lousy but I also suffer from chronic loose stools so my tummy often just feels like it's in knots....but sure if it's the adhesions or what is the root of my pain. Also I have been officially diagnosed with adhesions but going to Germany for treatment is out of reach for this single mom of three children....I am switching PC's and have an appt with a new doctor on March 3rd...just hoping this one will actually help me!

At Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Donna Johansen wrote: >
>Hi Tracy,
>You're in the right place to find people who understand what you
>are going through. Have you had a definite adhesion diagnosis?
>Do your doctors agree the cause of your obstructions are adhesion
>related? Are your surgeons knowledgeable about surgical
>techniques to avoid further injuries and growth of adhesions?
>And, lastly, have you considered, or is it possible for you to see
>an ADR surgical specialist? If so, some of the others will be
>able to give you the contact information. I was a 10+ year
>sufferer and went to Germany with Dr. Kruschinski last June and
>so far I am a lot better off than I was a year ago. I'm alive and
>actually want to be, and that is a definite improvement.
>Are you in pain? If so, what are your doctors offering you to
>help with that?
>Donna J
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On
>Behalf Of Tracy S
>Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 7:53 AM
>To: Multiple recipients of list ADHESIONS
>Subject: Bowel Obstructions & Adhesions
>I just found this message board and wanted to introduce myself and
>tell you how excited I am to have found a group that can
>understand the ordeal I've dealt with over the past few years!
>I dealt with infertility issues before this that is most likely
>the cause of these adhesion's....between ovarian cyst's, ectopic
>pregnancies & numerous surgeries to repair my damaged fallopian
>tubes I have endured
>9 laparotomies.
>So here I am today dealing with pain from adhesion's and to top
>that off I've had 3 bowel obstructions in the past 18 months.
>I've been in and out of the hospital more times then I can even
>count over the past 2 years....bowel obstructions, colon
>infections, diverticulitis.....It just seems endless!!
>I'd love to talk with others that are on this rollercoaster as

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