International Adhesions Society





Related Conditions:
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome

"Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome is named after two doctors, Fitz-Hugh and Curtis. 

The "syndrome" designation is kind of a misnomer, because, in my experience, the majority of patients who have violin-string adhesions of the liver have no symptoms at all. Some, however, get pain when taking a deep breath.

"Possible causes include infection like ruptured appendix, gonorrhea, chlamydia, pelvic inflammatory disease from any source. 

About 75% of PID is from either gonorrhea or chlamydia, but 25% are from endogenous (from your body) bacteria.  

You will probably never know when that was, since it could have been your own bacteria, or chlamydia that was accidentally treated with antibiotics for some other reason (like a cold or sinusitis).

from the Women's Health Forum.....On January 19, 2000, D. Ashley Hill, M.D.

Medical Definition

Perihepatitis in women with gonococcal inflammation of the pelvic organs resulting from the spread of gonococci to the upper abdomen.

FHC is sometimes referred to having a "violin string" appearance.


- Definition of FHC from NORD
- FHC as a variant of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) from eMedicine
- FHC at WebMD
- Description from
- PubMed articles on FHC
- Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome: a diagnosis to consider in women with right upper quadrant pain.

- "Violin-string" adhesions of chronic Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
- FHC Photos at Geneva Foundation

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