Endorphins: my experience...&...an article about 'Endorphins'.....

From: Helen Dynda (olddad66@runestone.net)
Fri Dec 1 14:54:41 2000

Today I found an article about "Endorphins" in our area newspaper. The article states that endorphins were discovered by two scientists in 1975. I found this article particularly interesting because my doctor's knowledge about the discovery of endorphins played a big part in my life.

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[] How my doctor's knowledge about " Endorphins " directly affected my life:

In 1976 -- after having lived in severe chronic pain for 6 long years as a result of a laparotomy in 1970 -- I finally found a doctor, an osteopathic physician, who was able to help me! This doctor was very familiar with the discovery of endorphins in 1975; and, as a result, he knew what to do to in order to help me.

He spent many unpaid hours trying to explain the concept that a person's brain contains ' endorphins ' -- which is a natural morphine. This was not an easy concept for me to understand; because the stress of having lived in chronic pain for such a long time ( 6 years at that point ) -- plus having lost so much restful sleep -- caused me to lose my abilities to concentrate and remember!!

He prescribed the lowest dose of Amitriptyline, an anti-depressant, for me to take at bedtime. Gradually -- over a period of several weeks -- he increased the strength of this medication ...until I was getting 150 mgs.

Almost right away I noticed that I was slowly and surely beginning to be able to sleep through the night...without waking up in pain. I also noticed that the intensity of my chronic pain was gradually being lowered to a more manageable level. I was NOT free of pain; but now I could at least function.

Now that I have shared my personal experience with endorphins, HERE IS THE ARTICLE ABOUT...


"There's a revolution going on in the drug industry. A development of a new class of drugs might become as important as the discovery of antibiotics and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. These new types of chemical compounds are called the "endorphins."

"In 1975, two scientists working at a drug addiction research center in Scotland, discovered two chemicals which appeared to be produced in the brains of test subjects.

"When these chemicals were injected into laboratory animals, they seemed to be many times more powerful than morphine as a pain reliever.

"Months later, other more complex compounds were discovered. When these new chemicals were injected, very small quantities produced long lasting pain relief, without the usual side effects of morphine.

"These scientists called the chemical compounds 'endorphins', a combination of endogenous ( which means produced in the body ) and morphine.

"A better understanding of these remarkable chemicals may explain why narcotics are so addicting, how acupuncture works, and why some people get pain relief from placebos.

"However, endorphins seem to have many other biological properties besides pain relief. Endorphins seem to play an important role in memory, sexual activity, mental illness, control of body temperature, and the regulation of many of your hormones.

"Studies suggest that the release of endorphins increases in both your body and your brain with exercise. These increased endorphin levels in your body can account for "runner's high" or the sense of well-being that comes with vigorous exercise such as long distance running.

"But, endorphin effects aren't limited to pain or the regulation of hormone secretions. A very intriguing area of study is their effect on human behavior.

"At this time, no definite role has been established for the endorphins in any human diseases. However, several major pharmaceutical companies are spending millions of dollars on basic research into the mysteries of endorphins.

"These studies are necessary for our understanding of how your brain can influence, or even control, a number of your body's organ systems."

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