Re: Doctors in the Atlanta, GA area

From: Helen Chalmers (HCHALM@AOL.COM)
Mon Sep 17 19:57:06 2001

Dear Shay:

I hope the information I forwarded to you will help you find a caring, compassionate understanding doctor. Please let me know if you have any luck.

In Friendship,

Helen Chalmers
>I am trying to find a good doctor in the Atlanta, GA and surrounding
>area that has experience in treating the problem of adhesions.  None of
>my current doctors know what to do at this point.  I have been referred
>to the Emory Clinic, but I don't know if the doctors there will have any
>more answers for me or at least attempt to help with this condition.  I
>just had my 18th surgery on May 3rd, and I am already back to being
>almost totally bedridden.  I am really getting discouraged, as the pain
>is making it hard to live my life, and raise my child.  Any information
>or referrals would be greatly appreciated.
>Thanks to all, and I hope everyone is doing well in their battle over
>this horrible, life altering condition...
>Shay King

Helen Chalmers

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