Re: hidey-ho, internet friends!

From: clare (
Mon May 6 18:40:34 2002

Hi Rose:

Thanks for the poem. I was wondering where you were...glad to see you back!

In friendship, Clare

At Mon, 6 May 2002, wrote: >
>I've been missing in action because I had surgery on both thumbs...right
>is ok now, left hand getting there! Got shot down by another pain
>Oh,well, I'll go back to my internist and see what she says.
>Just a little poem for all you wonderful people:
>Your Hand
>open your hand -
>what do you see?
>five fingers? a palm?
> knuckles and lifelines?
>i see a soul
>reaching for that
>same soulness
>in another;
>five fingers,
>one for hope
>one for faith
>one for joy
>one for happiness
>one for love -
>a palm,
>to hold the five fingers together -
>to provide the ability
>to bend to others
>and beckon them to you -
>tying all men and their hopes together;
>reach out that hand
>to another soul -
>another being -
>and feel
>those other
>five fingers,
>a palm,
>some knuckles and lifelines.
>Love and gentle hugs to all!

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