Re: Whew...There are others

From: Tish (
Thu May 23 09:32:06 2002

Hi Kathleen Welcome...Yes unfortunately there are lots and lots of others who have pretty much the same problems as you ...all of our stories are a little different of course..but with one commonality durned old adhesions and what some call DEVIL PAIN or MONSTER PAIN..that pretty much runs our lives... I know for a long time i thought that i was the only human alive who suffered from this affliction..or i thought i was just crazy and my Drs made me feel even more crazy.. But you just have to keep fighting until you find a Dr who will listen to you believe what you say and take some sort of action.. If you havent read the stories on the might want to do that too..and maybe put your story there as well. I hate to think that anyone else in this world has suffered with adhesions and the impact they have on our lives..but it sure gave me a little peace to know that i am not crazy..and this is a real and actual affliction..and to know that i am not alone..and you are not either Kathleen. So you take care..and read read read..all you can on adhesions.. And stay the folks here..they are great and soo helpful.. God Bless You.. Hugs and Love. Tish Jones.

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