Re: To Odette from Canada ')

From: Odette (
Wed Jun 19 21:11:37 2002

At Wed, 19 Jun 2002, wrote: >
>Welcome Odette to our wonderful family here! I'm very happy that you have
>found us, but sad that you have pain.
>Here, I promise you, you will find so much love and support and people that
>are going through similar devil pain as yourself. ")
>Hang in there sweets, always know that you are not and will never be alone
>Take a peek at the adhesions quilt and read some stories and share your story
>as well if you'd like. ")
>Hugs and Love,
>~Chrissie xo's (Christine Damon - Epsom, NH on the adhesions quilt)

Thank you Chrissy for your nice welcome! You all seem so positive even if you live in pain. I try also to have a positive attitude, except for those really bad days. Next time, i feel bad, l'll come here to see i'm not alone. Thanks! Odette. xx

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