IAS Newsletter: Connections...BEST VIEWED AT THIS URL!!

From: Helen Dynda (olddad66@runestone.net)
Fri Nov 1 17:56:33 2002

Connections Newsletter...Scroll down and click: Connections - The New IAS Newsletter. http://www.adhesions.org/

X> Connections Newsletter

All that is required to view the newsletter is " Adobe Acrobat Reader " which can be downloaded (if you do not already have it).

Don't worry if ...THE FILE TAKES A MINUTE OR SO TO OPEN, it is quite large.

Connections Newsletter Archive

Our inaugural issue of Connections marks a milestone in the history of IAS and our fight against Adhesion Related Disorder (ARD). From our informal beginnings in 1996 we have grown in leaps and bounds, and our newletter is just another small step in our journey. Please feel free to download and view our first issue!

Click: Issue #1

Once opened be prepared to sit down and read - or print out - this excellent newsletter (16 pages!!)

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