From: Debbie (
Wed Nov 5 20:51:30 2003

Hi Sandy

In December 2001 I had a double bowel resection surgery. A portion of my large bowel, at the sigmoid colon, was removed as well as a portion of my small bowel at the terminal ileum (juncture of small bowel and large bowel)

I had excellent help with pain control. Prior to surgery and induction of general anesthesia I was given an epidural and post op I had a pain buster as well as PCA pump with demerol. The surgery was not nearly as bad as I'd expected it to be. I had a horrible time recovering bowel sounds though and was hospitalized 8 days. I think the hardest part was not eating that entire eight days. I was on IV fluids and ice chips.

I'm certain you may have additional questions and I'd be happy to try and help if I can.

Good luck! Debbie

At Wed, 5 Nov 2003, sandy wrote: >
>Group, could any of you share with me your experiences of having a bowel
>resectioning? This may be in the cards for me when the Dr. does my
>adhesion removal. I have full confidence in the surgeon but, would like
>to hear from people who have gone thru it. What to expect? Pain after?
>Can you function normally after? Healing time? Success rate? thank you
>all, Sandy

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