Adhesion Removal

From: Faith Leby (
Wed Dec 8 09:54:47 2004

I just found this board while looking on the net about adhesion removals.

I had a gastric bypass surgery about 6 years ago. About 2 years ago I started having a terrible pain on my right side. At first I thought it was a cyst, but my gyno said there was nothing wrong. I went to check for kidney stones, i went for upper nad lower GI's and they found nothing.

When I got new insurance, I tried another internest who said he thought I had adhesions which were sliding in and out of the bowels but since my CAT Scan showed nothing, they would most likely have to operate to remove them.

I am meeting with a surgeon in a week, and was wondering if anyone had any questions that might be helpful to ask the surgeon before I allow them to do any work??

Thank you

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