Re: PA help

From: Dawn (
Thu Mar 31 21:19:24 2011

I just wanted to comment that I completely understand exactly where you are coming from. In 9 years I've had 16 abdominal surgeries and am in constant pain. 3 months ago I had them removed again and had pain relief for about a month. I'm just now starting to see a psychologist next week. The isolation, depression and anxiety has me overwhelmed. My primary care physician refuses to prescribe any form of pain medication. My surgeon refuses to see me further because she says there is nothing she can do. I am constantly in the ER for pain and fear of another obstruction. The fact that I don't glow in the dark from all the catscans and xrays seriously surprises me! I apologize for ranting but honestly this is the first time I've ever encountered anyone that could possibly understand! I'm so excited I found this website!

At Sun, 20 Mar 2011, Sevenangels wrote: >
>Adhesions survivor and sufferer for 4 years. Had abdominoplasty to
>remove 4 pounds of adhesions. Did well for 3 months then bam they came
>back big time. Feel like guinea pig with shots, needles, trigger point
>this, new costly drug that doesn't work that. Sick of it all and need
>advice. Was on oxycodone 5 2-3 per day and doing well. Have gone to
>psychologist since day 1 since i have been fearful of narcotic pain meds
>and ive wanted to make sure any psychological issues dealing with the
>pain are properly dealt with.recently my Pcp sends me to pm who changes
>to nucynta and a TENS unit and I'm not doing well at all. Pain worse,
>headache and serious stomach issues with this med and yeah it isn't a
>cheap med either. Pm discussed butrans patch anyone know about this
>one? I'm not sure why they changed what was working. It is bad enough
>to feel the pain but not only can you feel the adhesions you can see
>them on the right side of my stomach so it isn't like it is this mystery
>diagnosis or anything. Im not willing to go the surgical route again. I
>have 2 young kids and 2 jobs that I have to keep but at this rate I'm
>losing function and scared. Im turning 40 this year and I have too much
>to do to be down with constant pain. Ugh sorry for the vent, thanks for
>reading and if you have any advice on how I cAn assert myself to these
>docs without them thinking I'm some crazed lunatic I'd be grateful.

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