International Adhesions Society





IAS Men's Section


e are pleased to announce the formation of the IAS Men's section. So many of our members are women, however there are a significant number of men who have the same kinds of problems due to adhesions. Their access to informed medical care for their ARD tends to be even more limited than it is for women. Accordingly we have established the IAS Men's Section to be coordinated by Jim Lynch of Delaware.

Jim's problems started in January 1998 about 3 years after an colon resection for diverticulitis. Shortly thereafter he developed sharp abdominal pain and complete obstruction due to adhesions which were lysed. After a failed attempt to repair an abdominal hernia from this second operation, Jim had a myofascial flap advancement, with adhesiolysis in October 1999. Since then Jim has had a number of procedures and interventions for partial bowel obstruction and had endured sustained abdominal pain. Jim is about to undergo an abdominal adhesiolysis.

We would like to gather as much information about the experience of men with ARD, as well as to identify resources for men with ARD. Please look out for the Men's Section on our web site and also contact Jim to sign up for this list.

Articles of Interest:

Do Men Get Adhesions? by David Wiseman PhD, MRPharmS, Founder, International Adhesions Society (posted October 2007).

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