Re: Dr. Redan's Address

From: Robin (
Wed Jan 10 07:44:54 2001

Stacey, I passed your request on to Pam. I sent her an email with your email address. She will help you to get to Dr Redan. She had her surgery with him this past year & can give you all the information that you need. Good luck & DON'T give up. Best wishes Robin

At Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Stacey wrote: >
>Can anyone tell me what address I need to use when I send my medical
>records to Dr. Redan. I am finally sending them to him. I just don't
>know what else to do. I just had surgery #5 and no relief, actually the
>pain has become worse since the surgery. I don't know if I am just
>falling into the hands of the wrong surgeons or what. I have been so
>frustrated and so depressed about this. I know like everyone else here,
>I am so tired of being in pain day after day, surgery after surgery.
>These days it has reached the point where I don't really care if I die.
>Sometimes I think my family would be better off without the burden I put
>on them. I am so glad I found this site, this is one thing that does
>keep me going because I know that all of you have felt the same way I
>have. I have been in such a depressed state here lately, I guess
>because I have been in such pain. I am trying my best not to give up
>hope...and try to hang in there. I am just really glad I have you guys
>to talk to and share my feelings with.
>In Friendship

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