Re: Ways to Fight for Adequate Pain Medication

From: Rose Lunn (
Fri May 4 09:24:31 2001

Well Helen,

I don't know if it will do any good but I downloaded some of those pain management/rights articles and sent them to my doctor. Don't know if she'll read them but had to make the effort.

My biggest fear for next Friday's lap is two fold:

1. He won't find anything, therefore I really am a drug-seeker


2. It'll be soooo messed up in there that he'll just close me back up!

I know it's not rational, but most fears and nightmares aren' therefore I'm sane, right????? Oh, for a good philosophy class on the meaning of life and reality to pass the time!!!!

Maybe we should all send the doctors, that won't listen, this little tidbit:

On a true tombstone located in southern Wisconsin - "I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK".


And then maybe, this is what they say in their office:

Psychiatrist to his nurse - "Just say we're very busy. Don't keep saying 'It's a madhouse.'" ...........

Have a good day! kcmo rose

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