Re: pelvic clearance

Wed Nov 14 06:14:52 2001

Dearest Karen, I know how you feel . When the pain strikes it's like cut me open and remove that thing thats causing this pain. Someone please help. I know the feeling butnow we know thats not the answer. Don't apologize for your feelings all us of here are in the same boat that is why we are here to talk and whine and vent, But most of all to share and educate. Thank God no one keeps their experience to themselves and lets us go do unnecessary surgeries . This site is full of Special Angels and they have rescued myself and others from much harm by their own experiences. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU AND MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU IN THE MOST SPECIAL WAY THAT YOU HAVE BLESSED ME AND ALL WHO COME TO YOU. With Much LOVE Lillian

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