Re: Possibly facing third attack of adhesions!

From: Robin (
Wed Feb 13 07:25:02 2002

Dear Heather My adhesion problem started over 18 years ago. Having pain off/on until a few years ago when I started having it 24/7. I have had every test there is & none of them show adhesions. There is actually no test left for them to give to me. Some tests might show your intestines twisted because of the adhesions & some tests they might have a hard time finding an organ, but not one test that actually shows adhesions. Sometimes a colonoscopy might show signs that the intestines are twisted are narrowed. It is a good thing to go through all the tests, because that will show the Dr that you really want to find out what is wrong with you. Once, a Dr recomended a test that I had already had, well I told him they didn't find anything & he accused me of just wanting pain meds, well, since then, I do any and all tests that are recomended. Yes, I want pain meds, am I addicted to them? Well, only as far as I am addicted to life. I guess I could live with out the meds, but then I would be totally bed riden & in horrible pain. That happened to me when they cut my meds back a few years ago. I was to take only 2 pain pills a day (grown men with broken legs only take 3) & of course I could take ibuprofin 2 times a day. So, my advise is to do all tests, just to rule out anything else. There hagve been cases where additional problems were found during the test. Good luck to you. robin

At Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Heather wrote: >
>Hello all...I've read many of your postings and related to many. I have
>had 2 laparoscopies with lysis of adhesions in Sep 99 and Aug 00. The
>first experience I went through the whole gammet of tests with no
>apparent findings, until finally the GI I was seeing recommended I see
>my OB-GYN to discuss possible endometriosis. After the first scope
>adhesions were found and removed..along with very, very
>hyperperastalsis. Not a year later...the pain returned. Then the
>second scope came with again lysis of adhesions however, the recovery
>turned into a nightmare for me, as in the recovery room, I experienced
>uncontrolled shaking and ended up being diagnosed with seizures (WHICH I
>AM HAPPY TO NOW SAY WAS NOT THE CASE..the neurologist was completely
>wrong. I ended up on Dilantin and became toxic on it..thus ending up
>back in the hospital for treatment of that. It ended up being a 2 month
>recovery and loss of my job for excessive absenteeism. for
>today, I have been having pain for the past 3 weeks, with it getting
>worse. I have that sharp, stabbing pain in my right lower quadrant,
>constant cramps, and abdominal distention. I also experience pain with
>intercourse. I am 90% sure that the adhesions are back and I know
>what's going to happen next...however I am very scared!
>I guess I am just in need of venting my frustrations to those who
>understand and also was wondering if anyone has had any tests done,
>other than a scope, that have shown adhesions or if anyone has any great
>advice on what has worked for you to help stay pain free for a long
>period of time. Thanks for reading this. Heather.

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