Re: nerve blocks - morphine pump

From: kathy (
Sat Mar 2 19:42:14 2002

At Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Karen O. wrote: >
>Geez...where did you find a doctor who will give you a morphine pump?
>Mine won't 'prescribe' anything more than aspirin. Count your
>blessings! I'm in the Phoenix, AZ area - does ANYONE know of a doctor
>who will prescribe painkillers on a REGULAR basis??? Please let me

I received a morphine pump in December of 2001 and I am doing alot better than I was befor I had the surgery.
I have chronic back and leg pain after 5 back surgeries. I am from Seattle and I truely beleive that the Sweedish
hospital has the best of the best in doctors...... The pain clinic there is awesome.
I hope things are going well for all of you.

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