Re: Need some advice!!!!!!!

From: Tonya (
Mon Jan 5 14:26:49 2004

Hello Brenda, I wish I could help you. My adhesions are all from my uterus and my ovaries, well ovary now. They just removed my right ovary on 12-22-03. I dont really know if that is a good thing because as we all know this will cause even more adhesions in the future. I just went to the E.R. last night because of pain and continuous bleeding. It is always something. I have had surgeries every 2 years since I was 15. Always to remove adhesions that have grown to other organs. There is no answer. I am a nurse, and worked with people every day going through the same thing we all are. The more they open you up, the faster they come back. There should be some kind of research going on to find the cure for adhesions. Or at least something to slow them down. I have not been refered to a pain clinic yet. I guess because I wait till the pain is excruciating before I even call the Doc. I have never had a colonoscopy, they always use endoscopy or laparoscopy on me. Good luck, TMassey

>----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 4:06 PM Subject: Need some advice!!!!!!!

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